Blockchain 101 Virtual Session (PBS)

On March 13, 2023, eSatya successfully conducted a Virtual blockchain 101 Session for the students of Presidential Business School. The session was organized by eSatya and supported by the Rumsan Group of Companies where Mr.Raghav Kattel, who is a web3 Software Engineer, shared his knowledge to the attendees. There were a total of 13 attendees. 

Mr.Raghav introduced the blockchain technology to the attendees and discussed its numerous use cases along with Non-Fungible Tokens . He also addressed how blockchain technology is used to secure transaction records with benefits including transparency and efficiency. 

The session was wrapped up with an open networking session where the attendees were interested to know about the use of blockchain and many more other tech questions were asked by the attendees. We also informed attendees about the Blockchain Fellowship program at the end of the session where they seemed to be interested to learn more about the program.

The presentation slide is attached below:

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